Usage Guide

Your guide on how to use and make the most out of RTLCSS

Time is Priceless, Caffeine is Not! Buy Me a Coffee ☕

String Maps

String maps is an array of map objects, where each defines a mapping between directional strings. It is used in renaming selectors and URL updates.

The following is the default string map:

    'name'    : 'left-right',
    'priority': 100,
    'search'  : ['left', 'Left', 'LEFT'],
    'replace' : ['right', 'Right', 'RIGHT'],
    'options' : {
        'scope' : '*',
        'ignoreCase' : false
    'name'    : 'ltr-rtl',
    'priority': 100,
    'search'  : ['ltr', 'Ltr', 'LTR'],
    'replace' : ['rtl', 'Rtl', 'RTL'],
    'options' :	{
        'scope' : '*',
        'ignoreCase' : false

To override any of the default maps, just add your own with the same name.


A map object consists of the following:

namestringName of the map object
prioritynumberMaps are sorted according to prioirity.
exclusivebooleanWhen enabled, prevents applying the remaining maps.
searchstring or ArrayThe string or list of strings to search for or replace with.
replacestring or ArrayThe string or list of strings to search for or replace with.
optionsobjectDefines map options.

§Map Options

The map options attribute is optional, and consists of the following:

scopestring*Defines the scope in which this map is allowed, 'selector' for selector renaming, 'url' for url updates and '*' for both.
ignoreCasebooleantrueIndicates if the search is case-insensitive or not.
greedybooleanoptions.greedyWhen enabled, string replacement will NOT respect word boundaries. i.e. .ultra { ...} will be changed to .urtla {...}


// a simple map, for swapping "prev" with "next" and vice versa.
  "name"    : "prev-next",
  "search"  : "prev",
  "replace" : "next"

// a more detailed version, considering the convention used in the authored CSS document.
  "name"    : "prev-next",
  "search"  : ["prev", "Prev", "PREV"],
  "replace" : ["next", "Next", "NEXT"],
  "options" : {"ignoreCase":false}

Let’s apply the detailed version to a sample CSS and see what happens:


    /*rtl:begin:options: {
        "autoRename": true,
        "stringMap":[ {
          "name"    : "prev-next",
          "search"  : ["prev", "Prev", "PREV"],
          "replace" : ["next", "Next", "NEXT"],
          "options" : {"ignoreCase":false}
      } ]
    } */
    .slide-prev, .Slide-Prev, .SLIDE-PREV {
        content: '<';
    .slide-next, .Slide-Next, .SLIDE-NEXT {
        content: '>';

    .slide-next, .Slide-Next, .SLIDE-NEXT {
        content: '<';
    .slide-prev, .Slide-Prev, .SLIDE-PREV {
        content: '>';


Each StringMap is bi-directional - it matches both search and replace then checks if the match is equal to search term, if yes its replaced with replace term, if not it will assume the match was for the replace term and replace it with search term.