Usage Guide

Your guide on how to use and make the most out of RTLCSS

Time is Priceless, Caffeine is Not! Buy Me a Coffee ☕

Control Directives

Control directives are placed between declarations or statements (rules and at-rules). They can target a single node (self-closing) or a set of nodes (block-syntax).

Ignore/*rtl:ignore*/Ignores processing of the following node (self-closing) or nodes within scope (block-syntax).
Config/*rtl:config:{OBJECT}*/Evaluates the {OBJECT} parameter and updates current RTLCSS config*1.
Options/*rtl:options:{JSON}*/Parses the {JSON} parameter and updates current RTLCSS options*2.
Raw/*rtl:raw:{CSS}*/Parses the {CSS} parameter and inserts it before the comment node that triggered the directive*3.
Remove/*rtl:remove*/Removes the following node (self-closing) or nodes within scope (block-syntax).
Rename/*rtl:rename*/Renames the selector of the following rule (self-closing) or rules within scope (block-syntax) by applying String Map.


  • 1 Config is evaluated using eval, and it can be disabled by adding it to the blacklist.
  • 2 Options parsing is done via JSON.parse, and requires a valid json. The new options will override the defaults (not the current context). Plugins will be carried over from the current context.
  • 3 Due to the nature of RAW directive, block-syntax is not supported.


/*rtl:ignore*/Ignores processing of the following node or nodes within scope.


  • Self-closing
.code {
  • Block-syntax
.code {


/*rtl:config:{OBJECT}*/Evaluates the {OBJECT} parameter and updates current configuration.

The {OBJ} parameter is evaluated using javascript eval, if you with to disable it, simply add it to the blacklist.


  • Self-closing
        "autoRename": true,
.example {
  • Block-syntax
        "autoRename": true,
.example {


/*rtl:options:{JSON}*/parses the {JSON} parameter and updates current RTLCSS options.

Options parsing is done via JSON.parse, and requires a valid json object.
The new options will override the defaults (not the current context). Plugins will be carried over from the current context.


  • Self-closing
/* empty options forces defaults. */
.demo-left { content: 'left'; }
.demo-right { content: 'right'; }

Self-closing options will remain active from this point forward.

  • Block-syntax
  "autoRename": true,
      "name"    : "prev-next",
      "search"  : ["prev", "Prev", "PREV"],
      "replace" : ["next", "Next", "NEXT"],
      "options" : {"ignoreCase":false}
.demo-prev, .demo-Prev, .demo-PREV { content: '<'; }
.demo-next, .demo-Next, .demo-NEXT { content: '>'; }


/*rtl:raw:{CSS}*/Parses the {CSS} parameter then inserts it before the comment node.


  • Self-closing
#example {
    border-radius: 25px 0 0 25px;

Due to the nature of RAW directive, block-syntax is not supported.


/*rtl:remove*/Removes the following node (self-closing) or nodes within scope (block-syntax).


  • Self-closing
div {
  direction: rtl;
  text-align: right;
  padding: 10px;
  • Block-syntax
div {
  direction: rtl;
  text-align: right;
  padding: 10px;


/*rtl:rename*/Renames the selector of the following rule (self-closing) or rules within scope (block-syntax) by applying String Map.


  • Self-closing
.float-right {
    float: right;
  • Block-syntax
.float-right {
    float: right;
.float-left {
    float: left;